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Rabbit Behaviour, Health & Care


A comprehensive title for veterinary professionals and rabbit enthusiasts covering all aspects of rabbit behaviour, husbandry and welfare

This book gives a comprehensive understanding of the rabbit. Rabbits have natural needs that must be met to ensure the species welfare, and this book provides a thorough understanding of their natural habitat, health, social behaviour and all topics vital to offer them suitable living conditions in a domestic setting.

Widespread behavioural challenges can easily be solved when the needs and natural behaviour of rabbits are taken into consideration, and readers are exposed to a new approach towards rabbits.

Knowledge of rabbit behaviour is also necessary to detect subtle symptoms of disease, and to give the animal the best possible treatment and care. The species` anatomy, health, diseases, treatment and medical care are thoroughly explained in individual chapters, where digestion (including dental issues) is given particular attention.

Rabbit Behaviour, Health and Care is based on the successful Norwegian book Den store kaninboka by the award winning author Marit Emilie Buseth. Her work has helped to change attitudes and awareness of rabbits in Scandinavia with a consequent increase in the welfare of the species.

Rabbit owners and veterinarians have reported on healthier and more content rabbits after reading the book and following the instructions, which in turn ensure rewarding relationship and greater pleasure for both rab- bits and humans involved.


Veterinary practitioners with an interest in behaviour and welfare, veterinary students, nurses and technicians, shelter workers, laboratory staff, rabbit breeders and owners





Rabbit Behaviour, Health and care

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